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Hi there! This page is designed for you to be able to come to each week during the year for the Come Follow With Me 2020 - a study of the Book of Mormon. I have specifically designed shareable social media posts that invite and share with your friends and family members the things that you are learning through the Come Follow Me program.

Week 8 - February 24th - March 1st 
2 Nephi 26 - 30

Week 7 - February 17th - February 23rd
2 Nephi 11 - 25

Week 6 - February 10th - February 16th 
2 Nephi 6 - 10 

Week 5 - February 3rd - February 9th 
2 Nephi 1 - 5 

Week 4 - January 27th - February 2nd
1 Nephi 16 - 22 

Week 3 - January 20th - January 26th
1 Nephi 11- 15 

Week 2 - January 13th - January 19th
1 Nephi 8-10 

Week 2 - January 6th - January 12th
1 Nephi 1-7 

Week 1 - December 30th - January 5th 

Introductory Pages of the Book of Mormon
