cast your burdens

I've been stressing out a lot lately about all that I need to do. I have three papers to write in the next week, I have to pack up my house completely within the next two weeks, I haven't done laundry in over two weeks, Jaden starts his three days a week physical therapy thirty minutes away, and he continues to have to have orthopedic doctor visits every two weeks down in Pocatello. I'm crunched and stressed. So I did what any responsible college student would do, I avoided all of my responsibilities and started reading my scriptures. I didn't have an epiphany about how to deal with all of my stress, but I have realized that I don't need to keep taking upon myself all the stressors in my life so much. Yeas, I still need to pack, yes my papers still need to get written and the laundry still needs to get done, but I don't need to be so hard on myself for not getting it all done. Before I read my scriptures I felt like I didn't have the chance to be able to think things through, it just all had to be on me. But as I read my scriptures, I was comforted to know that Heavenly Father knows of my struggles and wants me to be open with Him about them. 

So I opened my heart and my mind to being taught by the Spirit for further knowledge and guidance, and the simple answer I got was "CAST YOUR BURDENS ON THE LORD" This was humbling and very needed. I knew and still know that just by praying and listening to what the spirit wanted to share with me wasn't going to be enough for me to become completely de-stressed, but it was the simplicity of knowing things can be easier by not placing all my burdens on myself, but to ask my Savior to take the burdens for me. This was a great learning experience for me. I'm not the one to ask others for help, I am the one to do things independently. I know the Lord knew this as he was allowing the Spirit to guide me. I know that Heavenly Father knows how hard it is for me to ask for help. He also knows how much more I appreciate things when I go through hard times to accomplish things. So I think the combination of the two really helped solidify things to me that I can do hard things and that I can ask my Savior for spiritual help at any time. 

If you're like me and asking for help is hard, know that you aren't the only one struggling with asking for help. But also know that you aren't alone in asking the Lord for help. He knows you by name and wants nothing but the best for you, so allow Him to help you. 
